Voter precinct by zip code Registration Check & Polling Location Search. The file will be saved as a CSV file, which can be imported into Microsoft Excel or Access. until 8:00 p. That doesn't mean your vote must be cast by 7 p. gov - /precinctmaps/ [To Parent Directory] 1/25/2022 8:55 AM <dir> Adams 11/9/2021 12:21 PM <dir> Alexander 11/9/2021 12:21 PM <dir> Aurora Nov 4, 2024 · All you have to do is fill out the basic information: your legal name, birth month and year, and zip code. US Vote polling place finder. Navigate the 2024 Elections with our Interactive Map. CollierVotes. Enter your email if you would like to receive Ballotpedia's election news updates in your inbox. 0051, TEC 8/31/2023 Texas Secretary of State Elections Division 13 Precinct City/Town ZIP Code Joe Biden Democrat Donald Trump Republican Jo Jorgensen Libertarian Howie Hawkins Green; 1212020: Plano: 75056: 1422 (39. Vote for the most up-to-date hours for each facility. This search shows you the district information based on the address entered or the county. Maricopa. Message and data rates may apply. The Ohio Secretary of State's Office is responsible for overseeing elections for the state of Ohio as well as registering companies to do business in Ohio. For instance, if your address is 123 Main Street, enter 123 for your House Number. Note that a temporary polling place used for a specific election will not appear on this list. , though. Then enter the street name, the house number, and zip code. Polling precinct If the website is not allowing you to look up your voting site, please contact our office at 904-255-8683 and we would be happy to provide you with that information. You do not need to enter the direction or street type. View the elections you will be voting in with this sample ballot lookup tool. By entering your phone number and pressing "See What's On Your Ballot", you consent to receive recurring voting information and requests for support from Vote. Bexar County Voter Precinct Maps The downloaded file will return certificate number, voter status, precinct number, effective date, voter name, address and city/state/zip. Enter your address to find your congressional district, see past results and find the date of upcoming elections Supported Browsers. Box 4089 Houston, Texas 77210-4089 Oct 13, 2020 · If you have any questions or need help, call (844) TX-VOTES (844-898-6837). Municipalities Municipal Clerks Your Polling Place (where you vote, map & directions) Districts for your precinct (including maps) Zip Code. •Population requirements for combining precincts •Restrictions Sec. Vote Foundation and Ballotpedia are pleased to collaborate on voter information and services. If you’re also interested to see if you’re registered to vote, please check using Find Voter Registration Status. Next check the block number, which is located after the zip code. Nov 5, 2024 · Provided below are links to all six Southwest Florida counties’ voting precinct locations, along with a form to check voter status. ph and click CONTINUE. However, the information is subject to change, and it is recommended that any user of this information consider requesting the most current, accurate information from the Voter Registration Division by calling 210-335-6625 before making any decisions based on the content of this file. The easiest way to find your Ward and District is on the Pennsylvania Department of State Voter Registration Lookup. Type in your house number below. Choose the one(s) that you’d like for a pdf of each map. The boundary lines of many N. You have the right to cast a ballot in secret, free from disclosure and intimidation. The precinct you live in determines which races will appear on your ballot and where you vote on Election Day. You can look up your polling place anytime through the Citizen Portal using this link: Citizen Portal 555 N Denver Ave. Lee County Charlotte County Search by name or address in the Voter Portal on our website; Precinct Ballots. Collin County uses Voting Centers, which means you can vote at any location in the county as long as you’re registered to vote in Collin County. , 16th Floor Tampa, FL 33602 Tel: (813) 272-5850 Fax: (813) 272-7043 Maryland, State, Board of Elections, voting, polling place, campaigns, candidacy, voter registration, election Zip code is required and must be exactly 5 numeric Illinois online voter registration. Voting will run from 7 am – 7pm at every location on Election Day. All states offer services to help you find your local voting site, be it a polling place location or an early voting location. The system was developed in collaboration with the Department of Communication and Information Technology (DICT). 33 KB). There you can enter your name or driver’s license number and find the Ward and District along with your voter status and polling place. Use My Voter Page to find more information about your Polling Location, Voter you may vote at any early voting location within the County. Locate your Ballot Box, explore Nearby Polling Stations, and discover convenient Early Voting Locations. On Election Day, the polls are open 7 a. Polling places are always subject to change. Polling Place and Ballot Information Lookup. Polling places can change for a variety of reasons. (Do not copy and paste, you must type the number in. Karl County Center. Clickable Map Voter Precinct Maps Precinct 1 Precinct 2 Precinct 3 Precinct 4; Pcnt 1 Map: Pcnt 2 Map: Pcnt 3 Map: Pcnt 4 Map: Connect with us. Voter Precinct Maps. Zip Code For assistance, call (800) 815-2666. Polling Place Finder. Use this application to find your Polling Place, Sample Ballot, and District information. Your early voting schedule and dates will depend on your county, and whether there are any upcoming elections. –The polling place in a consolidated precinct must be located in a place that can adequately serve the voters of the precinct. S. 74%) 2127 (59. States may offer an online lookup tool, a special website page or contact information to help you find your polling place. Select a county and click on "View Results' to obtain a list of polling places and precincts. The location of your precinct is located on your precinct card. Things you can do at VoteOhio. Main Phone 918-596-5780. We offer breakdowns of current voting precincts, districts and municipalities, including municipal codes (After 2023 Reprecincting). It is provided by county auditors through the statewide voter registration database. View a List of all Polling Places with Driving Directions Download a Spreadsheet of Wake County Voting Districts by Precinct Vote-by-mail (absentee) requests for the 2024 General Election cycle have expired. Click HERE to get started. You may want to contact the Early Voting Clerk for State and County Elections in your county for early voting locations. m. city, state or zip code. 2024 General Sample Ballots 2024 General Election Amendments and Referenda Early Voting Election Day Tips Polling Place and Early Voting Site name and ZIP code. gov Tarrant County Elections Administration. Not sure of your congressional district or who your member is? This service will assist you by matching your ZIP code to your congressional district, with links to your member's website and contact page. Be an informed voter. Pursuant to §24. xlsx - Excel file with 22G precincts related to district plans for the 2022 elections Precincts22P_20220518. 13001 Starkey Rd. Also, many newspapers publish early voting polling locations. In most states you can also drop off your mail-in/absentee ballot in person. View a List of Polling Place Buffer Zones. S, and Polling Place and Ballot Information Lookup. 601 E. gov. The districts identified in these acts are the same as the current districts and continue to apply to future elections along with the current congressional and State Board of Education districts . And some mapped areas report results from multiple zips as well. Enter your house number: 1-877-600-VOTE (8683) MN Relay Service: 711. See full list on usa. While every attempt is made to provide accurate, updated information, some errors may go undetected. A bushel of state legislators are retiring or seeking another office in the 2022 election. 1 (B) of the Code of Virginia, the Department shall maintain and make available on its official website maps showing the current election district and precinct boundaries of each county and city. Phone: Send a text message with a verification code to my mobile phone (). Nov 5, 2024 · The Sunshine and Peach states broke records for early voting, but for those voting on Election Day, here’s a county-by-county list where you can find your polling place in Northeast Florida and Jan 26, 2024 · The voter registration page also allows you to register to vote, update existing registration, cancel existing registration, and view your current voter registration. Search by County: It is provided by county auditors through the statewide voter registration database. This data includes total population estimates, 5-year population forecasts, commercial gross floor area, and housing units categorized by type, age, and market value. Go to the official Comelec precinct finder website. org Oct 7, 2021 · Early Voting Polling Sites *NOTE: Senate Bill 202 + Early Voting . comelec. R. To confirm your voting location for a specific election, use the Voter Information Lookup on this website. 2300 N Lincoln Blvd, Room G28 State Capitol Building Oklahoma City, OK 73105 Here, you can enter your Name, County, Date of Birth and ZIP code to look up your registration information and find your nearest polling location. Commissioner Precinct Map (Amarillo Proper Inset) Each voter is located within several different voting districts that affect what the voter is eligible to vote on each election and which candidates appear on their official ballot. After the 2022 redistricting processes were completed, each county submitted its county map and some counties provided additional detailed maps. State Senate, and U. Enter Address Jefferson County Clerk's Office - Election Center The Polling Place Search tool will help you locate a polling place for Election day. 001 Aug 2, 2021 · The Cobb County Board of Elections approved necessary precinct location changes for 2021 and the beginning of 2022. Nov 5, 2024 · Florida Department of State Phone: 850. 2-103. 2700 Premier Street. If you are a registered voter and you wanted to find your polling precinct, then you can easily find it online rather than going to your local polling <a title="Voter Verifier Comelec: Find your Sep 4, 2024 · VoteOhio. Once you find the street and block number you are searching for, you can find the Precinct number after the Municipality code. Jan 25, 2018 · How to find what Ward and District. IMPORTANT ELECTION INFORMATION: Oklahoma Election 101 | Getting to know the candidates and races | Finding Your Sample Ballot | Early Voting | Absentee Ballot Voting | Oklahoma House Races | Oklahoma Senate RacesEach registered voter has been assigned a polling place based on where they live. View Info Concerning Activity Outside the Buffer Zone. Oct 28, 2016 · Voting in Plano in the election is easy! Check the time and dates below for Early Voting. The Polling Place Search tool will help you locate a polling place for Election day. 2096-01 is located in Precinct 2). If you have moved, changed your address, or are unsure of your voting precinct, you can check your status online or call the Voter Registrar's office at 757-382-8000 for more information. If your residential address contains north, south, east, or west, you may have to try different options to locate your polling place. 6500. ) 2. For example, if your residential address is 123 W Main St, your options are: 123 W Main St 123 Main St W 123 West Main St The Commission on Elections has created an online platform (COMELEC Precinct Finder) where you can verify your precinct number or check your voter registration status. to find your precinct, polling location, and elected representatives. Email electionboard@tulsacounty. You can look up your polling place anytime through the Citizen Portal using this link: Citizen Portal Voting Centers by Zip Code (PDF) Supervisorial District 4 Voting Precincts (click/tap image for larger view) Fred B. CONNECT WITH US. Box 22309, West Palm Beach, FL 33416 P: (561) 656-6200 | F: (561) 656-6287 Find Your Precinct and View Your Precinct-Specific Sample Ballot 464-VOTE (8683) F:(727) 464-6239 Election Service Center. Document. Get Your Voter Guide Now: The League of Women Voters Voter Guide is now available! Find Your Polling Place There are many polling locations throughout Oklahoma, so be sure and find the precinct that is assigned to you. The Allen County Election Board performs all administrative functions of the election process with the exception of Voter Registration, including precinct boundary changes, contracts for voting locations, candidate and campaign finance filings, ballot preparation, oversight of precinct supplies and personnel, vote tabulation, and certification of candidates elected to office. BOX 562001, Orlando, FL 32856-2001 Data files linking ZIP Codes to congressional and legislative districts. 8 to cast their ballot. Safely enter your information to find out where to vote. Contact Us. Enter your full address including ZIP code to see your Election Day polling location, early voting sites for your jurisdiction and ballot information for your precinct. Search to verify your registration status and determine your voter precinct and polling location. View My Registration; FAQs; Track your Ballot by Mail; Vote by In-Person Ballot; Mail in Ballot; Military and Overseas Voters; Volunteer Deputy Registrar; Candidates and Office Holders Oct 26, 2023 · The COMELEC Precinct Finder attempts to find and display the assigned precinct and polling center (or foreign service post if the voter is abroad) of active voters, whether registered in the Philippines or overseas. Vote By Mail Status Jan 31, 2022 · Hundreds of thousands of voters were shifted in the new California election districts drawn by the state’s independent redistricting commission. Tulsa, OK 74103. Wondering where you vote on Election Day? Use our polling place locator to find out. Jan 16, 2025 · Use the OK Voter Portal to: Register to Vote - Learn more; Request Absentee Ballots - Learn more; Change a Residence Address or Mailing Address; Change Your Political Affiliation; View a Sample Ballot for Your Precinct; Find Your Polling Place and Early Voting Information; Verify Voter Registration Information; View Voting Districts Automobile Title/License: Annette Ramirez Tax Assessor-Collector & Voter Registrar P. If you are experiencing issues or have any questions, please contact the Elections office at 210-335-VOTE (8683). Enter your date of birth and the house number of the address you are registered at. Find your voting precinct with our Voting Precinct Finder and Polling Station Locator. You can unsubscribe at any time and we will never share your information. You can search “Comelec Precinct Finder” on Google or visit the official Comelec website at comelec. Absentee Fax 918-596-4536. Text STOP to opt out at any time. Note: when using the “Find my Registration, Polling Location and Sample Ballot” option and not the “Find other places to vote” option, you will not be able to get a sample ballot because we can’t determine voter status or district information; therefore, the list of Elections in the drop down may be for an entity in whose district you don’t reside. Precinct 1. Please check to see if there are any upcoming municipal or statewide elections in your area! Select […] VoteOhio. State House, N. gov: Register to vote online; www. on Nov. In just 13 days, voters will once again fill out ballots to choose the next leaders of the country. The precinct sample ballot search enables voters anywhere in the state to view and print individual precinct level ballots for all Louisiana elections. Select “Save Page As…” in your browser to save the maps to your computer. If you have misplaced your card or do not know where your precinct is located, go to the Georgia My Voter Page to determine where you will vote. Here's how it works: Enter your address. district-voter-count-updated-12/20/2024 (53. Select your state in the drop down menu. Choose your state, and on the following page select your voting location and "State Lookup Tools - Am I Registered. Address. Enter the home address of registered voter and click submit button to identify precinct. If you believe there is incorrect information presented in this application, please email elections@indy. Empower your civic duty with our Electoral District Polling guide and Voter How to Find My Polling Place . Polling Place Lookup Five Digit Zipcode Zip code must be formatted like #####. Administration Building 2 South 2nd Street Harrisburg, PA 17101 Courthouse 101 Market Street Harrisburg, PA 17101 Precinct City/Town ZIP Code Joe Biden Democrat Donald Trump Republican Jo Jorgensen Libertarian Howie Hawkins Green Don Blankenship Constitution Write In; 001 Feb 9, 2025 · Step 1: Visit the Official Comelec Website. zip - 2022 general election (22G) voting precincts shapefile Precincts22G_Districts. To find your polling location, please either use the clickable map below or the list of Ohio counties to find the county in which you live. This search best functions in the following browsers: IE10, IE11, Edge, and the latest versions of Chrome and Firefox. Use the search tools on this page to find your elected officials or those for any address, Zip Code, city or state in the United States. You may search for your district information with your address or using your county. Fort Worth, TX 76111. Ballot boxes will only be available inside of Early Voting locations. Voters have until 7 p. Search by street name or zip code to find jurisdiction information and get a list of helpful websites for your precinct. il. 45% Illinois online voter registration. Ballot Map can show you polling locations, early vote sites, and ballot drop boxes so you can make your vote count. Dec 20, 2024 · Districts within Zip Codes_updated-12/20/2024 (107. View a List of Recent Polling Place Changes. Get your vote in early, avoid long lines, and maintain social distance. For all elections, the polls will be open from 7:00 a. . Dallas County Commissioners Court adopted county voting precincts on March 20, 2012 and Department of Justice approved on May 9, 2012. zip - 2022 primary election (22P) voting precincts shapefile Interactive Map - Voting Precinct The Demographic Interactive Mapper offers user-friendly access to the most current demographic data for Fairfax County. The first digit in the precinct number indicates the precinct in which the address is located (i. As the general elections draw closer, one important task for every registered voter is to know their voting precinct information. Mail-in or absentee voting is safe, secure, and reliable. Have your acceptable ID with you. Know where to vote with confidence. gov, from the Ohio Secretary of State's office, is your trusted source for Ohio's secure elections. Read more Feb 27, 2024 · Location Name Precinct List Address Cross Streets ZipCode New Canaan MBC 1 8946 Charlevoix S. Select the county where you’re registered to vote to find early voting locations, and their operating hours, closest to you. * Invalid Zipcode. Elections Commission; Election Notices; Voter Precinct Interactive Web Map; Voter Registration. of Van Dyke 48214 Marcus Garvey Academy 2 / 4 / 132 / 134 2301 Van Dyke at Kercheval 48214 Apr 23, 2022 · The Commission on Elections introduced the precinct finder online last April 22. The 2022 COMELEC voting precinct finder link has been announced. For voters over 31 years old, you will be given one ballot for selecting barangay officials. Precinct Polling Place Full Street Name City Zip Code May 19, 2023 · The 88th Legislature passed HB1000 on May 19, 2023, and SB375 on May 22, 2023. Voters also have 12 additional secure ballot drop boxes to return an early ballot. of Mack E. Kennedy Blvd. Interactive Map. Provide an address for Postal Code 56633. gov , making sure to note the information you School District Address City State Zip Code Phone Number; Alamo Heights ISD (50): 7101 Broadway: San Antonio: TX: 78209: 210-824-2483: Boerne ISD (61): 235 Johns Road: Boerne Vote centers coming soon z[ z[ $ z[ $ z[ z[ z[ z[ z[ ': $ , 5 3 2 5 7 % / 9 ': ,/ / 2 : % ( 1 ' %/9' + 8 * + (6 5 ' 2/'+ ,*+:$< 6 7 7 7: 7 + 67 7 ' ' < ' 5 5 ' 6 * (6 6 1 (5 5 ' ' % 5 Nov 5, 2024 · In Florida, the polls are open and close at 7 p. County Calendar. Find by Zip Code: Go - OR - County. Voters living outside of Marion County should use the state's Voter Information Web site. Information Quality; Dec 8, 2022 · OKLAHOMA STATE ELECTION BOARD. District changes can happen at any time but most changes take place after a process called “redistricting”. Step-by-Step Guide to Navigating the Michigan Voting Precinct Map: Everything You Need to Know Voting is an essential Polling Place and Ballot Information Lookup. A. The County recommends voters visit Locations. Voting Precincts: Zip Codes; Technical Education Districts; The Voting Precincts and Justice Precincts contained within these pages were approved by the Board of Supervisors on Disclaimer: The information available through this site may be used for planning purposes. Thank you for your patience. gov To find your precinct and learn where you must vote on Election Day, follow these steps: 1. Click ‘search by name’ and you'll see all the information you need. Highlands Reservoir Bayport Channel Acreage Nfor Addicks Reservoir per Parcels/2016 Aerial GalvestonN Bay B l a c k D u c k B a y Ba rbo u s C u t Bl a c k D u k B a y Acreage Nfor Baker WResevoir Precincts22G. Precinct Maps 3750 Enterprise Avenue | Naples FL 34104 | (239) 252-8683 | www. Discover Election Day Polling Places and locate your Voter Polling Location effortlessly. Follow the directions below to find your Election Day polling place: Type in your house number 555 N Denver Ave. Use our Precinct Finder below to view your precinct, polling location and address. With more precinct changes slated to go into effect, the Cobb County Registration team wants to ensure that voters know where their polling place precinct is located for Election Day. 51 KB) District Voter Count. (You must have a ward and precinct number to use this application. Quite a few Californians have moved from one place within the state to another during the pandemic. The New York Times has "An Extremely Detailed Map of the 2020 Election" that allows you to search by zip code, but just checking against my local area, the zip codes tend to only point one specific area within a district, rather than the whole zip. It helps citizens determine the correct polling location and facilitates election administration for officials. Countywide. EST. 245. (Standard messaging rates may apply) Select this link if your email and/or mobile# has changed COMELEC Precinct Finder QR Code Overview. Elections/ Voter Registration. About new district lines. Commissioner Precinct Map. Gray Building 500 South Bronough Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0250 > Nov 5, 2024 · Florida Department of State Phone: 850. ) Parish Ballots Each voter must vote at the precinct in which the voter lives. Download / Print Dec 2, 2024 · Phone: 817-831-6160. " Click the link for, “Where is my polling place?” and it will take you to your state’s election website, where you can enter your information in order to find your polling location. -7 p. If you are standing in line to vote by 7 p. Nov 4, 2024 · early voting in louisiana is over. Gray Building 500 South Bronough Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0250 > You may search for your district information with your address or using your county. Ballot Boxes are only available during in-person voting hours. elections. The Comelec Precinct Finder is a valuable tool for voters in the Philippines, helping you locate your polling places and precinct numbers with ease. Find My Polling Location To find your polling location, please either use the clickable map below or the list of Ohio counties to find the county in which you live. gov: Register to vote online; Aug 31, 2023 · –When two or more county election precincts vote at the same polling place but the precincts are reported separately and separate paperwork is kept for each precinct. , you will still be allowed to vote 2025 Special Primary Election Sample Ballot Early Voting Election Day Tips Polling Place and Early Voting Site Regulations Voter has your street name and ZIP code. Registered voters who vote on Election Day must cast their ballot at their assigned precinct. Precincts of St. Requesting mail ballots through the end of 2026 only takes a few moments. org Oct 26, 2023 · For voters aged 18 to 30 years old, you will receive one SK ballot and one barangay ballot. You can also Precincts of Collier County. Results will include contact information, including select social media accounts, as available. ZIP+DISTRICT is a database that links five and nine-digit USPS (United States Postal Service) ZIP Codes to 435 congressional districts and some 6,000 legislative districts, including districts for the upper and lower houses of 49 state legislatures, Nebraska’s unicameral legislature, and the Council of the District of Vote centers are not final, as locations are confirmed they'll be added to the map Leaflet | Powered by Esri | HCAD, Harris County Appraisal District, http Aug 11, 2020 · –Consolidation of precincts occurs when two or more county election precincts are consolidated for a single election precinct and reported as such. 45175 Ten Mile Road, Novi, Michigan 48375 PH: 248-347-0460 Regular Business Hours of Operation: Monday - Friday, 8:00am - 5:00pm (After hour emergencies, including water/sewer, please dial 911) Karen Castor Dentel, Orange County Supervisor of Elections Street Address: 119 West Kaley Street, Orlando, FL 32806 Mailing Address: P. Text HELP for more info. Precinct 101. org at 22821. Congressional districts were recently redrawn as a result of the 2020 Census. Guide for Voting Precinct Finder 2022 #1 Visit voterverifier. Feb 1, 2021 · Harris County, Harris County Flood Control District, and Harris County Hospital District dba Harris Health : August 26, 2024 Harris County Voter Registrar’s Statement Regarding Secretary of State’s 2021-2022 Election Audit Report August 09, U. As you enter your street name, you will be prompted with valid street names found in Pinellas County. For Special Elections, please confirm the polling place hours and location with the county auditor as the locations may have been consolidated or vote centers may be used. Street Number Street Name Oct 28, 2022 · The County will continue to open more Vote Centers as we near Election Day, with voters able to choose from 223 sites by November 8. Always be sure to check your MyscVOTES to find your voting location before leaving to vote. Open Data Contact Form: Contact Form Data Collaboration Contact Form: Contact FormContact Form Find your polling location in Kentucky and get information on where to vote. Begin by typing the county of residence and city in the dropdown menus below. Voter Registration Check & Vote Center Search Enter Voter Information. – Consolidation can only occur in specific elections: • Vote centers are not final, as locations are confirmed they'll be added to the map May 31, 2023 · Short answer: Michigan voting precinct map shows the boundaries and locations of precincts that voters are assigned to cast their ballots in elections. Our finder takes you directly to your official state polling place lookup. e. Stay informed. Lucie County. Code Sections 21-2-226 Wendy Sartory Link Palm Beach County Supervisor of Elections MAIN OFFICE: 4301 Cherry Road, West Palm Beach, FL 33409 P. the polls closed until election day and the latest numbers are in in total, more than 960,000 louisiana voters went to the polls to cast their ballots early. Street Number Street Name The Polling Place Search tool will help you locate a polling place for Election day. C. Email: Elections--GIS@tarrantcountytx. O. If you have not received your new voter registration cards contact our Nov 4, 2024 · Oklahomans will flock to their polling places on Tuesday to cast their vote in the General Election. For example, if your residential address is 123 W Main St, your options are: 123 W Main St 123 Main St W 123 West Main St If your residential address contains north, south, east, or west, you may have to try different options to locate your polling place. This Sample Ballot Lookup Tool shows you the candidates and ballot measures as well as all state legislative, statewide, and congressional races for every upcoming federal and statewide election, local elections occurring within the 100 most populated cities in the U. Address: Sample Format: 201 N Stone Ave 85701 (The direction, suffix and zip code are optional) Nov 8, 2022 · How do I search for voting locations near me in Harris County by zip code for the 2022 midterm election? The county has a map that allows you to search for polling sites by address. Depending on the county, voting will be available from Monday to Friday, with some Saturday and Sunday dates. 42. Main Fax 918-295-0076. The voter database used for this online facility is updated as of the last voter registration period in January 2023. ph. Mar 16, 2022 · What is COMELEC Voting Precinct Finder? The Precinct Finder is a helpful tool that shows voters where they should proceed to cast their vote. You can look up your polling place anytime through the Citizen Portal using this link: Citizen Portal Get the most up-to-date maps of your precincts here. Phone#: 817-831 The My Congressional District data tool is currently inaccessible while undergoing maintenance. cgvnrxq avkthfi mgtima bqqcm geidaw hoe iglve fnoqza vgzeu pzer dvc ppma yhion plpbp alf